Reflection: effective tools to share

1 мес. 2 нед. назад #19 от moldagalielnaz
Reflection is essential for improving teaching practices and student outcomes.
Tools like blogging and mini notebooks make reflection practical and effective.Moldir teacher thanks a lot.

Incorporating technology in reflection fosters collaboration and innovation.
This text highlights useful strategies for continuous teacher growth.

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1 мес. 2 нед. назад #20 от zhanbolat
zhanbolat ответил в теме Reflection: effective tools to share
I use platforms for reflection, where students can write their thoughts and answer questions, allowing them to elaborate on their ideas and think critically. Visualizing reflection is very effective. I recommend using platforms like **Padlet** or **Mentimeter** for students to discuss their thoughts either in groups or individually, as these tools help gather quick feedback and make reflection more engaging and interactive.

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1 мес. 2 нед. назад #21 от
Reflection is the main chain of the lesson that helps to achieve an increase in learning awareness of students and understand their outcomes. Also reflection provide the information what pupils have learned and understand their growth. Ceri Jones, the author of the article Ceri Jones: Reflecting on reflecting , describes the tools that help to do the reflection. As for me, I would like to use the lesson summary. Using lesson summary helps to analyze the process of teaching, the needs of the learners and improve their outcomes. At my lessons I often use the WWW table, pupils complete the table which devides into three columns: what I know , What I Want to know, What have I learned, this type of reflection helps to understand the understanding of pupils. Thank you!!

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1 мес. 2 нед. назад #22 от karlu
karlu ответил в теме Reflection: effective tools to share
In my opinion, by summarizing the lesson, it is useful to learn the impression of the child from the lesson or the questions he did not understand through reflection. Reflection is the only means of knowing.At the end of the lesson, I receive a code using a mobile phone in the child's hand. By pressing the code using the mobile phone in the child's hand, I learn the student's impressions by saying: I know, I have a question. This is the most effective for me. Abiyeva Karlygash Abdoumanatovna
Спасибо сказали: Moldir*1991

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1 мес. 2 нед. назад #23 от Moldir*1991
Thanks for your comment! There is enthusiasm to notice that you are good at plarforms for reflection. It will be good if you extend your answer with comprehensive details such as advantages and disadvantages of each of these tools

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1 мес. 2 нед. назад #24 от
Moldir teacher your informations are understandable for us. Thanks a lot. In every lesson we use reflection. For me useful tools are: Slack, Padlet, Moodle, Google forms
Спасибо сказали: Moldir*1991

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